Food safety: an emergency in Haiti

“Food safety: from farm to plate, you all have a role to play," was the theme of the workshop held on April 7th at the Royal Oasis hotel. On the occasion of World Health Day, the Minister of Health, the first lady of the Republic, foreign partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO), and health staff officials gathered for a discussion on food safety.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
10 avr. 2015 | Lecture : 2 min.
llAccording to WHO, unsafe foods are responsible for 2 million deaths per year worldwide. "Foods containing bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemicals are responsible for more than 200 diseases ranging from diarrhea to cancer," said Dr. Jude Jean Poncelet, representative of WHO / PAHO in Haiti. On the occasion of World Health Day, WHO / PAHO wanted to encourage efforts to improve measures to promote food safety. This initiative is supported by Sophia Martelly, First Lady of the Republic. "This theme is important, as we are what we eat," she s

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