KODYADEV, a web space to promote Diaspora investment

On December 11th, the authorities of the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE in French) conducted the official launch of technological information portal of "Konbit pou dyaspora devlopman” (KODYADEV). This is a promotional tool for the members of the Haitian diaspora willing to invest in the country. It aims to simplify administrative procedures and provide information and data necessary for diaspora investors to realize their business projects in Haiti.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
19 déc. 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
llAccording to Ministry officials, KODYADEV is a web tool designed to facilitate the integration of the diaspora in Haiti’s sustainable development process. Through this tool, a wide range of information is available to potential investors. According to Marc Elias Nelson, MHAVE General Director, investors will have all the information necessary for setting up a business with just one click. "From design to implementation through funding, everything is discussed in this space," he said. This portal is also responsible for specifying the potentia

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