Le lycée Fortuné Audate: the pride of Mombin-Crochu

It is not just the 100% success rate of its high school seniors (63/63) and 89.53% of its juniors in state exams that are the only source of pride at the Fortuné Audate school and that of the residents of Mombin-Crochu. It is also the manner and conditions of work. With unparalleled disciplinary rigor and motivation, this school recently built without a library, computer rooms, furniture ... has nothing to envy of even some prestigious private schools in terms of academic performance.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
21 août 2014 | Lecture : 3 min.
llMombin-Crochu, one of the most remote northeastern communities, is not electrified. This is an issue for residents, including school children who use traditional lamps or candles to study. Nevertheless, the problems of underdevelopment are a source of motivation for many of these students. The publication of state exams results was a rare opportunity to talk about Lycée Fortuné Audate, which has honored the town for several years with its good academic performance. While alumni of the institution came out as winners of scholarship to study

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