HEAL Haiti organizes two days of health care in St-Marc

From April 22-23, 2014, Health Education Action League for Haiti (HEAL Haiti) is the second health clinic in St Marc. In preparation for the city’s patronal holiday, hundreds of patients were consulted on site.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
02 mai 2014 | Lecture : 2 min.
Bertho, 39, walks with difficulty. His left foot bears a wound. He came to see doctors and nurses who volunteered their services in Pont-Tambour. This event, organized by HEAL Haiti was in preparation for St- Marc’s patron holiday. Gretha Fièvre, Founder of New York based HEAL Haiti, mobilized Haitian health care providers based in the United States and local professionals. A nurse told Bertho in clear terms "You're young. You have to take care of your foot. A diabetic should be provident." The unemployed father of four explained that it is ex

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