10 young Cardiac patients will soon be treated in South Korea

Ten Haitian children, between the ages of three and twelve, suffering from cardiovascular diseases, left their families on Wednesday, November 27th, at least temporarily. They will stay in South Korea for a few weeks to undergo operations by leading experts through a Liberty International Development (DFI) charitable program funded to the tune of 200,000 USD.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
05 déc. 2013 | Lecture : 2 min.
While Haiti has very few cardiologists, approximately 11,000 children suffer from cardiovascular diseases. The DFI is aware. After financing in 2012 eight young Haitian cardiac patients’ trip to South Korea to undergo surgical interventions, the South Korean NGO does not intend to stop. Indeed, ten Haitian children flew on Wednesday the 27th to Seoul. "We will continue to facilitate the care of children through this program until Haiti is equipped with modern infrastructures and technologies to meet the needs of people with cardiovascular disea

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