Edgard Leblanc Calls for Reparations and Independence Debt Repayment

On September 26, Edgard Leblanc Fils, President of the Transitional Presidential Council (CPT), addressed the UN General Assembly, where he highlighted the long-standing impact of Haiti’s "independence debt" and the harm caused to the nation over the past two centuries, just before the bicentennial of King Charles X’s 1825 ordinance in 2025.

Jean Daniel Sénat
Par Jean Daniel Sénat
26 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

On September 26, Edgard Leblanc Fils, President of the Transitional Presidential Council (CPT), addressed the UN General Assembly, where he highlighted the long-standing impact of Haiti’s "independence debt" and the harm caused to the nation over the past two centuries, just before the bicentennial of King Charles X’s 1825 ordinance in 2025.

"I stand before this Assembly today as the voice of the Republic of Haiti, a nation whose history is inextricably linked to the ideals of freedom and justice that we

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