
Garry Conille Evaluates His Government's First 100 Days

Garry Conille Evaluates His Government's First 100 Days

Prime Minister Garry Conille reviewed his first 100 days in office during a public hearing held on Thursday, September 19, at the Karibe Hotel. In this session, he reflected on his achievements and the major projects undertaken by his government over the past three months.

Garry Conille Highlights the Diaspora's Key Role in Haiti's Economic Growth

Garry Conille Highlights the Diaspora's Key Role in Haiti's Economic Growth

Prime Minister Garry Conille, after outlining Haiti's security, humanitarian, and economic crises, as well as the country's efforts to move forward with international support by investing in infrastructure and strengthening commercial partnerships with the U.

Patrick Gaspard Encourages the Haitian Diaspora to Act as Catalysts

Patrick Gaspard Encourages the Haitian Diaspora to Act as Catalysts

Former U.

Alexia Latortue on the Challenges and Opportunities Facing Haiti

Alexia Latortue on the Challenges and Opportunities Facing Haiti

During a conference on Haiti's economic development organized by Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus McCormick, U.

Antonio Guterres on MMAS Funding: "It's Incomprehensible to Hear There's No Money"

Antonio Guterres on MMAS Funding: "It's Incomprehensible to Hear There's No Money"

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his frustration over the insufficient funds for the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSSM) in Haiti, despite backing efforts to send a peacekeeping force to the country.

Executive Establishes a Reduced Provisional Electoral Council

Executive Establishes a Reduced Provisional Electoral Council

During a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, the executive branch decided to appoint a seven-member Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) while awaiting the resolution of internal conflicts within the human rights and women's rights sectors.

Security Concerns: Ships Abandon Port, State to Enhance Protection of Port-au-Prince Bay

Security Concerns: Ships Abandon Port, State to Enhance Protection of Port-au-Prince Bay

Shipping companies have not sent vessels to the Port of Port-au-Prince in recent days and are threatening to halt their operations due to deteriorating security in the bay, including the kidnapping of two sailors and gunfire directed at the APN facilities by armed gangs hiding in buildings.

Toward the Recovery of Public Schools Occupied by Displaced Persons

Toward the Recovery of Public Schools Occupied by Displaced Persons

The Gary Conille government has launched an operation to reclaim national schools and high schools that have been occupied by displaced persons for over a year due to gang violence in various neighborhoods of the metropolitan area.

Central Bank Governor Asserts BNC Is Not Facing Bankruptcy

Central Bank Governor Asserts BNC Is Not Facing Bankruptcy

On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Governor of the Central Bank reassured the public about the financial situation of the Banque Nationale de Crédit (BNC) and the Banque Populaire Haïtienne (BPH).

Alexia Latortue: U.S. Government Praises Swift Crisis Impact Evaluation

Alexia Latortue: U.S. Government Praises Swift Crisis Impact Evaluation

Alexia Latortue, the U.