Man Lynched in Léogâne over Allegations of Ex-Girlfriend's Murder

The population of Palmiste-à-Vin (Léogâne), on the road to Jacmel, lynched and burned Léonardo Almando Diflerant, also known as Léo Gwòg, on the afternoon of Monday, September 9, 2024.

Diery Marcelin
Par Diery Marcelin
09 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

The population of Palmiste-à-Vin (Léogâne), on the road to Jacmel, lynched and burned Léonardo Almando Diflerant, also known as Léo Gwòg, on the afternoon of Monday, September 9, 2024. He was accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Josita Moril, known as Mika, 23, between Thursday and Friday of the previous week.

The suspected killer was seized from police custody while being transferred from Jacmel to Petit-Goâve. A crowd of several hundred locals, determined to avenge the death of th

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