Presidential Council Struggles to Finalize the Formation of the CEP

In a report on the formation of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) released on Tuesday, Presidential Advisor Frinel Joseph submitted a partial list of five out of nine members needed to compose the CEP to the Presidential Transition Council (CPT). Tasked with overseeing the formation process, Frinel Joseph recommends that the CPT intervene directly to complete the electoral body.

Robenson Geffrard
Par Robenson Geffrard
03 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 5 min.

As of now, the Presidential Council has a partial list of five names slated to join the Provisional Electoral Council. These individuals have been designated by five sectors that, according to Advisor Joseph, are not contested. The appointees are Marie Florence Mathieu for the University sector; Patrick Saint-Hilaire for the Catholic Church; Jacques Desrosiers for Press Associations; Gédéon Jean for the Human Rights sector; and Nemrod Sanon for the Labor Union sector.

In this report, which Le Nouvelliste has

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