S.O.S. PNH: Organized Night Theft Incidents in Bas-Peu-de-Chose

Nighttime group burglaries in residential areas have been increasing recently in several parts of Morne-à-Tuffe, particularly in the Bas-Peu-de-chose neighborhood, according to residents interviewed by Le Nouvelliste on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Roberson Alphonse
Par Roberson Alphonse
02 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 1 min.

Nighttime group burglaries in residential areas have been increasing recently in several parts of Morne-à-Tuffe, particularly in the Bas-Peu-de-chose neighborhood, according to residents interviewed by Le Nouvelliste on Monday, September 2, 2024.

“The modus operandi is consistent across reported incidents. The bandits shoot before breaking into homes they have previously targeted. They operate in groups of up to twenty individuals, with some reports indicating that women are among these groups conducting the burglaries

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