Jean-Baptiste Awarded ACLA Prize in Canada

Young Haitian Djeride Jean-Baptiste, pursuing a master's degree in bilingualism studies at the University of Ottawa in Canada, has just won the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA) award for his research project "Avoiding the Digital Death of Languages: The Case of Haitian Creole."

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
29 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

The ACLA award was presented to Djeride Jean-Baptiste during the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences held at McGill University in Montreal. The event was attended by linguists from various countries and researchers in fields related to linguistics. This award honors his research project "Avoiding the Digital Death of Languages: The Case of Haitian Creole."

"This project examines the necessity and strategies for increasing access to opportunities created by online learning for speakers of marginalized languages

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