Successful Second Edition of SumFest in Florida

On July 7, 2024, the SumFest Mizik Beach Festival gathered thousands of Haitians in Florida for the second consecutive year. Our compatriots flocked to the sand at Historic Virginia Beach Park, eager to enjoy the lineup orchestrated by the organizers. The intense heat and humidity in Florida initially discouraged many, pushing them to seek shade. However, their desire to enjoy the event quickly overcame the discomfort caused by the heat.

Glorieuse Nelson
Par Glorieuse Nelson
12 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 6 min.

SumFest is known for starting on time, and at exactly 10:00 a.m. on July 7, DJ K9 kicked off the festivities. While the space was still empty of participants, vendors and organizing staff were already hard at work. As the crowd gradually arrived, DJs Bullet, Ted Bounce, Valmix, and Mr. Mario took turns on the stage. Every shady spot was quickly occupied. It wasn't until Trouble Boy's performance that the crowd surged forward, gathering close to the stage. Before the native of Cap-Haïtien performed, SumFest MCs Carel Pèdre

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