Pyepoudre: Encouraging Art and Craft Development

The Pyepoudre Cultural Center is bustling with activity. After a comprehensive project lasting sixteen months (January 2023 - May 2024), the Center and its partners have successfully established eleven artisanal and solid waste recovery craft enterprises in three departments of Haiti (West, North, and Artibonite).

Elien Pierre
Par Elien Pierre
14 May 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Fifty-five women and girls, beneficiaries of this support project promoting art and craftsmanship, have become new entrepreneurs. After months of training and practical work, these enterprises engage in the creative and artistic transformation of solid waste.

These eleven craft and art recovery shops are located in three departments of the country: three in Artibonite (Vert-Art, Fama Kreyol, Market Art), three in the South (Ladie's Art, MERRJ Produit Artisanal, Maniche-Art), and three in the West (ECFAM’Arts, Ecl’Ar


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