Jamaican Summit: "A Successful Initial Day," as per Attorney André Michel

Political figures, including Prime Minister Ariel Henry, representatives of civil society, and members of the Haitian delegation in Kingston, Jamaica, attended the opening ceremony of the inter-Haitian dialogue initiated by CARICOM on the crisis in Haiti on Sunday, June 11, 2023. "We did not come here to receive dictates from anyone or to negotiate a new agreement. We are here to reach an understanding among compatriots who have the national interest at heart regarding the next steps in the march towards the reconstruction of our democracy," stated Ariel Henry in his opening speech.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
12 Jun 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

Prime Minister Ariel Henry participated in the first day of the Jamaica summit, which included former Prime Ministers Perry Christie (Bahamas), Bruce Golding (Jamaica), and Kenny Anthony (Saint Lucia) to facilitate discussions. According to the head of government, his presence "was not intended to settle scores or to reproach anyone," but rather to engage in dialogue among Haitians with the objective of finding a solution to the country's crisis.

"Everyone knows that no lasting solution for Haiti can come from ab

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