The Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, soon to celebrate its bicentennial

The Council of the Superior Court of Auditors is preparing to commemorate the bicentennial of the Chamber of Accounts, the predecessor of the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA), on June 27, 2023. A range of activities is planned to mark this important milestone for the country's fourth bicentennial institution. "Administrative justice and accountability in Haiti's history" is the central theme chosen by the Council of the Court for the commemoration. The Council emphasizes that the Court is open to any questions and inquiries regarding this event.

Michelson Césaire
Par Michelson Césaire
30 May 2023 | Lecture : 3 min.

On June 27, 2023, the bicentennial of the creation of the Chamber of Accounts will be commemorated. The Council of the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes (CSCCA) has made every effort to solemnly commemorate the bicentennial of the Chamber of Accounts through activities that extend from May 29 to June 27, 2023, under the theme "Administrative Justice and Accountability in the History of Haiti."

Open house days, guided tours, exhibitions of CSCCA documents, and conference debates will be featured in thi


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