Haiti’s Borders Open to Arms Traffickers as Millions Go to Armored Vehicles

Abandon the borders. Turn a blind eye to goods “in transit” through Dominican territory. Allow the influx of weapons and ammunition, including anti-materiel .50 caliber rifles. Spend hundreds of millions on armored vehicle purchases and “capacity building” for security forces—only to end up counting the dead by the thousands. The choices made by those in power are so absurd they might be laughable—if not for the staggering number of corpses and the unbearable suffering.

If Haiti’s international partners and the Haitian government have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the establishment of the MSS and the design and implementation of operational capacity-building programs for both the PNH and FAD’H, two harsh realities stand out.

All the money spent in March 2025 has neither prevented 80% of Port-au-Prince from falling under the control of armed groups, nor stopped the death of over 8,000 people in just two years (2023-2024), let alone the internal displacement of over a milli

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