Lilas Desquiron Takes Charge of Haiti’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO in Paris

After Dominique Dupuy’s remarkable tenure as head of Haiti’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO in Paris, Lilas Desquiron is now taking over. On Wednesday, she presented her credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Audrey Azoulay.

In recent years, Haiti’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO in Paris has brought Haitian diplomacy into the spotlight. Under Dominique Dupuy’s leadership, this diplomatic mission has achieved significant victories. Among them are the recognition of soup joumou and cassava bread as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, the inauguration of Haiti’s first UNESCO-affiliated university chairs, the acknowledgment of Haitian figures who have contributed to humanity’s advancement, Haiti’s election as Vice-President of UNESCO&

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