TPS Cancellation for Haitians Could Negatively Impact Florida, Says Miami Herald

The editorial board of the Miami Herald, in an editorial published on February 21, 2025, called on the Trump administration to reverse its decision to revoke the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) granted to Haitians.

Le Nouvelliste
Par Le Nouvelliste
21 Feb 2025 | Lecture : 4 min.

The editorial board of the Miami Herald, in an editorial published on February 21, 2025, called on the Trump administration to reverse its decision to revoke the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) granted to Haitians. This decision, the Florida newspaper stated, “is a mistake and will harm Florida.”

"A half-million Haitians living temporarily in the United States were thrown into uncertainty this week when the Trump administration announced that it was canceling the extension of their Temporary Protected Sta

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