From 2008 to 2022, Only 279 of 35,000 Public Officials Filed Asset Declarations

Public officials subject to the obligation of asset declaration are reluctant to comply with this requirement. From March 2008 to May 2022, the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (ULCC) collected a total of 3,458 asset declaration forms from the registries of various courts of first instance across the country. These were divided into 3,179 entry declarations and 279 exit declarations. However, while 35,246 public officials were required to fulfill this obligation during this period, only 279 completed the process.

The Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (ULCC) organized its third annual Journée de Déclaration de Patrimoine on Wednesday, February 12, at its headquarters in Delmas 83. This event provided an opportunity for a large number of public officials to present themselves before notaries, clerks, and government commissioner deputies to declare their assets in a single step, free of charge. The six regional offices of the ULCC also participated, with agents on-site to provide necessary legal assistance if nee

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