Private Sector Organizations Oppose the Organization of the Carnival

While the humanitarian and security crisis in Haiti is reaching alarming levels, the government's decision to organize carnival festivities is arousing strong opposition from several private sector organizations. The Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH) and the Haitian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIHC), along with other co-signatories, are expressing their disagreement with the allocation of public funds for a festive event at a time when the country is facing existential challenges.

“The total budget for the carnival is 300 million gourdes, 170 million of which will be allocated to the national carnival in Fort-Liberté,” revealed Patrick Delatour, Minister of Culture and Communication, on Tuesday February 11.

Some private-sector business organizations consider the announcement of funding for the national carnival to be a decision totally out of step with the reality of the country. 

Their message is unequivocal: when peace and stability are restored, the country will be able t

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