At the UN, with Leblanc, Lavalas Wins the Ideological Battle

In an unexpected turn of events, at the United Nations podium before the entire world, a historical adversary of the Lavalas movement has taken up the torch of Jean Bertrand Aristide's last great battle, twenty years after his ousting from power.

Frantz Duval
Par Frantz Duval
26 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

In an unexpected turn of events, at the United Nations podium before the entire world, a historical adversary of the Lavalas movement has taken up the torch of Jean Bertrand Aristide's last great battle, twenty years after his ousting from power.

Édgard Leblanc Fils, President of the Transitional Presidential Council, former presidential candidate, and former coordinator of the Organization of People in Struggle (OPL), delivered a well-structured and compelling speech that also included a call for the restitution and rep

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