Insecurity: Emergency Measures to Revive Port Activities

Speaking on Magik 9 on Thursday, September 26, Jocelin Villier, Director General of the National Port Authority (APN), indicated that, following recent incidents in the Bay of Port-au-Prince, shipping lines have responded not by issuing threats but by prioritizing the safety of vessels.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
26 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 4 min.

Speaking on Magik 9 on Thursday, September 26, Jocelin Villier, Director General of the National Port Authority (APN), indicated that, following recent incidents in the Bay of Port-au-Prince, shipping lines have responded not by issuing threats but by prioritizing the safety of vessels. "Insurance rates for cargo ships heading to Haiti have increased. Shipping lines are requesting clear guarantees regarding safety in the bay to allow normal traffic to resume," Villier reported.

Since the kidnapping of two sailors on Septe

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