Nesly Lavache Receives the Monferrier Dorval Excellence Award from UEH

On Tuesday, September 24, the Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (RUEH) awarded the second "Monferrier Dorval Excellence Award" to Nesly Lavache, a student from the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences (FDSE). The award ceremony took place at the rectorate in Bourdon, with Rector Fritz Deshommes in attendance.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
24 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

This year's award recognizes Lavache for his thesis titled "Legal Assistance in the Face of Prolonged Preventive Detention: The Jurisdiction of Port-au-Prince from 2007 to 2020." He succeeds Youbenson Michel, a social work student from the Faculty of Human Sciences (FASCH), who was the inaugural recipient in 2023. Lavache was selected from four other submissions by the members of the Scientific Council of the UEH.

In addition to the participation of the UEH rector, the ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, inc

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