Cité Soleil: Controversial Penalty Triggers Another Gang War

Violence has once again erupted in Cité Soleil.

Roberson Alphonse
Par Roberson Alphonse
12 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Violence has once again erupted in Cité Soleil. "There are many dead and injured. John, the second-in-command of Simon Pelé, has died. Mathias, the leader of Boston, was shot at but escaped unharmed. Benji, the leader of Belekou, was shot in the foot. Many people, believing that peace had returned, came out to watch the football match. This afternoon, clashes are still being reported. It’s hard to get an accurate count of the casualties," Pastor Enock Joseph told Le Nouvelliste 24 hours after the gang w

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