"My Guitar Resonates for Peace": UNICEF's Peace Initiative in Haiti

In response to escalating violence, UNICEF launched an initiative on Monday, September 9, 2024, titled "Gita pa m lan sonnen pou lapè" or "My Guitar Resonates for Peace," aimed at protecting Haitian children from the dangers posed by armed groups. Led by UNICEF's national ambassador, Jean Jean Roosevelt, the initiative uses art and music to offer young people a creative alternative to the pervasive violence.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
10 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Haiti is experiencing an unprecedented period of crisis. Civil unrest, clashes between armed groups, and natural disasters have worsened the country's existing vulnerabilities.

"More than 1.3 million children are affected by civil unrest and violence from armed groups. In Port-au-Prince and parts of the lower Artibonite region, hundreds of thousands of children have been forced to flee their homes. Some of them find themselves caught in the crossfire, injured, or killed as playgrounds, schools, hospitals, and homes turn in

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