Lycée du Cent Cinquantenaire: Navigating Challenges and Hope for the School Year Ahead

Less than a month before the reopening of schools, many public high schools and institutions in Haiti still lack adequate infrastructure to accommodate their students. One of the few institutions ready for the new school year is the Lycée du Cent Cinquantenaire, which has been temporarily relocated to the former College of the Franciscan Brothers in Chemin des Dalles, thanks to UNICEF’s support.

Esther Kimberly Bazile
Par Esther Kimberly Bazile
10 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Since armed gangs invaded the Carrefour-Feuilles neighborhood and surrounding areas over a year ago, several public institutions and schools have become shelters for displaced people, who continue to face violence from these armed groups. The Lycée du Cent Cinquantenaire was no exception. Overnight, its premises on Avenue Jean Paul II, in Port-au-Prince, were turned into a camp for people fleeing gang violence. "We didn't even have access to our offices," lamented the school's director, Marie Dominique Secours. "

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