CPT: Corruption-Accused Counselors Obstruct Resolution on BNC Scandal

Due to the requirement that five out of seven members of the Presidential Transition Council (CPT) must agree for any decision or resolution to pass, no action can be taken without the consent of the three council members accused of corruption in the BNC affair.

Robenson Geffrard
Par Robenson Geffrard
03 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Due to the requirement that five out of seven members of the Presidential Transition Council (CPT) must agree for any decision or resolution to pass, no action can be taken without the consent of the three council members accused of corruption in the BNC affair. Louis Gérald Gilles, Smith Augustin, and Emmanuel Vertilaire opposed a CPT resolution aimed at shedding light on this scandal, according to a CPT member who spoke with Le Nouvelliste.

In the draft resolution, a copy of which was obtained by Le Nouvellist

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