Péligre Power Plant Shutdown by Individuals Sparks Total Blackout in Port-au-Prince

A group of protesters descended on the Péligre hydroelectric plant on the afternoon of Monday, September 2, 2024, to protest against the ongoing electricity shortage in the city of Mirebalais and the Central Plateau region as a whole.

Jean Daniel Sénat
Par Jean Daniel Sénat
03 Sep 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

A group of protesters descended on the Péligre hydroelectric plant on the afternoon of Monday, September 2, 2024, to protest against the ongoing electricity shortage in the city of Mirebalais and the Central Plateau region as a whole. They demanded that the plant's director shut down operations. In videos circulating online, the president of the municipal commission of Mirebalais, Lochard Laguerre, can be seen accompanied by about a dozen individuals, instructing the plant’s manager to cease operations.

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