Amnesty International Calls on President Abinader to Stop "Racist Migration Policies"

Amnesty International called on President Luis Abinader, recently re-elected in the Dominican Republic’s presidential election, to end the racist immigration policies targeting Black individuals of Haitian origin. Amnesty International is urging the Dominican government to take urgent action to combat structural racism in the country.

Michelson Césaire
Par Michelson Césaire
30 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

The migration crisis between the two countries sharing the island continues to make waves. Amnesty International voiced support for Haitians being expelled at an exceptional rate from the Dominican Republic, especially as Haiti faces an unprecedented security and humanitarian crisis.

“Since 2022, the Dominican Republic has become the country with the highest number of Haitian expulsions, despite a November 2022 appeal by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to halt forced returns to Haiti. According to th

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