CPT Discusses Conservatory Measures Against Counselors Facing Corruption Charges

Although the Transitional Presidential Council (CPT) has never officially commented on the corruption scandal linked to the allegations made by the former chairman of the board of the National Credit Bank (BNC) against three CPT members, the Council had considered taking conservatory measures against the accused. However, they were unable to secure a majority vote to pass the resolution.

Robenson Geffrard
Par Robenson Geffrard
30 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

The architects of the “qualified majority 5 out of 7” on the Presidential Council never anticipated being constrained by this very resolution. While some CPT members are in favor of taking conservatory measures against councilors Louis Gérald Gilles, Smith Augustin, and Emmanuel Vertilaire, who are implicated in the BNC corruption scandal, they have been unable to gather the majority needed to pass this decision.

With the CPT now requiring a 5 out of 7 majority to make decisions, the three councilors—Louis

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