Livres en folie 2024: The FNE Returns for a Third Year and Steps Up Its Involvement

The National Education Fund (FNE), one of the financial partners of Livres en Folie, will participate in the fair for the third consecutive year.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
12 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

This year, the FNE plans to be more involved in the activities of this major book event and announces that it will organize several activities during the fair on August 15 at the Karibe Hotel.

"Haitian social thought is fundamental for understanding the historical and political trajectory of the country and is also an essential foundation for the country's social and economic development," said Jean Ronald Joseph, Director of the FNE, on Magik 9 on Monday, August 12. He explained that the FNE's increased involveme

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