Livres en folie 2024: Showcase of Some Books Available for Signing

For the 30th edition of Livres en Folie this year, 1,079 titles will be available, and 84 authors will be signing books at the Karibe Convention Center on Thursday, August 15, 2024. At the official launch of the book fair on Monday, August 12, 2024, at the Terrasse Cascade of the Karibe Convention Center, several of the signing authors attended to present their books alongside the organizers.

John Smith Justin
Par John Smith Justin
12 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Former President Prosper Avril, the guest of honor at the last edition of Livres en Folie, will also be signing books for the 30th edition. He will present seven books, including “La saga judiciaire d’un ancien chef d'État,” where he recounts the story of his three years of incarceration after leaving office in 1990. The six other titles by General Prosper Avril include: “L’armée d'Haïti: Gloire, errements, disgrâce et perspectives d’avenir”; “L’histoire d

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