Upcoming Shipment of Equipment for Security Forces

Equipment is on the way to enhance the operational capabilities of the Haitian security forces and the MSSM, various sources told Le Nouvelliste on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Roberson Alphonse
Par Roberson Alphonse
07 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

Equipment is on the way to enhance the operational capabilities of the Haitian security forces and the MSSM, various sources told Le Nouvelliste on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

"Additional equipment, including weapons, ammunition, and armored vehicles, is en route for the PNH, the FAd’H, and the MSSM," a source told the newspaper.

"Yes, that's correct. There are orders for lethal equipment for the PNH and the FAd’H. State orders take a long time to arrive due to administrative hurdles and many

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