Montfort Institute, Serving the Deaf and Deaf-Blind, Attacked by Bandits

The Montfort Institute, a school dedicated to the education of deaf, mute, and deaf-blind students, located in Duval 30, a locality in the commune of Croix-des-Bouquets, was targeted in an armed attack by local gangs from the night of Friday, August 2, to Saturday, August 3, 2024. "Armed gangs stormed the premises, disarmed the security personnel, and looted the facilities," the institution reported in a statement.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
06 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 4 min.

"The attack occurred on the evening of Friday, August 2. The bandits entered the school campus around 10 p.m. There were more than 40 of them. The schoolyard was overrun with armed men," explained Sister Lamercie Estinfort, the institute's director, who was still in shock after witnessing the event.

At the time of the attack, more than fifty special-needs children were in the school's dormitories. "We distributed report cards on July 30, and before that date, we had about a hundred children staying at the dor

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