Customs Revenue: Over 9 billion Gourdes in July

Haitian customs revenues for the month of July 2024 totaled 9 billion 630 million 433 thousand 801 gourdes, according to preliminary statistics made available to Le Nouvelliste.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
02 Aug 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

Haitian customs revenues for the month of July 2024 totaled 9 billion 630 million 433 thousand 801 gourdes, according to preliminary statistics made available to Le Nouvelliste. This amount marks a slight surplus over the forecasts drawn up by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. 

Forecasts for July 2024 were set at 9.6 billion gourdes, and the results show a higher performance of 1,051,671 gourdes, a positive variation of 0.01%. Compared with revenue achievements for July 2023, which stood at 9.5 billion gourdes, July 202

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