Transitional Presidential Council Still Finding Its Way After Three Months in Power

When the nine members of the Transitional Presidential Council (CPT) were sworn in discreetly at the National Palace on April 25, many hoped for a swift improvement in the country's security situation. Three months later, the CPT members are mired in inaction, despite the establishment of the transitional government.

Robenson Geffrard
Par Robenson Geffrard
24 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

Three months have passed, and nothing has changed... The members of the Transitional Presidential Council have been in power for exactly three months as of Thursday, July 25. Despite holding all presidential prerogatives, the Council has yet to make its mark. Some of its members have become masters of sterile visits and meetings. Structurally, the establishment of the government on June 12 remains the CPT's main achievement. However, relations between the Council and the Prime Minister's Office are not always harmonious.


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