USA Expresses Deep Disappointment as UN Suspends Sanctions against Former Senator Youri Latortue

While the United States welcomed the unanimous vote of the UN Security Council renewing the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), they expressed "deep disappointment" at the unexplained suspension of sanctions against former Artibonite senator Youri Latortue by the UN Expert Panel.

Roberson Alphonse
Par Roberson Alphonse
12 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

While the United States welcomed the unanimous vote of the UN Security Council renewing the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), they expressed "deep disappointment" at the unexplained suspension of sanctions against former Artibonite senator Youri Latortue by the UN Expert Panel.

According to Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the Security Council "must promote accountability by considering sanctions against individuals and entities responsible or complicit in actions that threaten peace and secur

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