Gangs Control "75% of Gressier"

"The situation has worsened since the attack on Sunday, June 30.

Roberson Alphonse
Par Roberson Alphonse
08 Jul 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

"The situation has worsened since the attack on Sunday, June 30. The criminals took control of 75% of the town of Gressier. Around 23,000 people had to flee to Colline 3, 4, to customs offices, in Brâche, and to Léogâne. Among these displaced persons are those from Merger and all those who had settled in Gressier after fleeing Mariani," Mayor Jean Vladimir Bertrand confided to Le Nouvelliste on Monday, July 8, 2024.

"The criminals, numerous and mobile, did not only consolidate their positions but a

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