Lucknaire Duval Sheds Light on Issues with the New Haitian Tax Code

The new Tax Code has been a source of numerous issues, analyzed tax expert Lucknaire Duval. On Magik9, Mr. Duval highlighted potential problems that the new Tax Code, set to take effect in October 2024, could cause, particularly due to discrepancies between the initial project and the current context.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
27 Jun 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

As a guest on the Panel Magik show this Thursday, June 27, the former president of the Haitian Order of Accredited Professional Accountants (OCPAH), Lucknaire Duval, revealed that the new code is being introduced in a context where the country is facing an economic crisis and revenue sources have dried up, creating a dilemma regarding the initial vision. "In the preliminary document for the [tax] code project, there was a commitment to enable the State to adopt a dynamic where taxation would also be an economic policy instrument to stim


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