275 Years Later: Emergency Care in Port-au-Prince Metro Area

The metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince has been experiencing increasingly difficult times for at least six years, primarily due to socio-political unrest affecting the majority of healthcare infrastructure. One of the most concerning issues is the availability of emergency beds with qualified personnel, amid dysfunction and a massive exodus of healthcare professionals.

Claudy Junior Pierre
Par Claudy Junior Pierre
13 Jun 2024 | Lecture : 4 min.

"At least 34 healthcare institutions are closed due to insecurity," revealed Dr. Yvrose Chrysostome, Director of Health Services Organization at the Ministry of Public Health and Population (DOSS/MSPP), in the medical journal "Infochir."

The Haitian Medical Association also addressed the ongoing crisis: "The availability of medical and biological inputs in sufficient quantity and quality is a mandatory condition for providing health services to patients, especially in multiple emergency cases, children, pre

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