ATH and ISPAN Urge Immediate Action Following Citadelle Artillery Theft

The Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH) expressed deep concern over the recent theft of two cannons at the Citadelle Henry, one of the three iconic monuments of the Historical National Park, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
03 Jun 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

The Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH) expressed deep concern over the recent theft of two cannons at the Citadelle Henry, one of the three iconic monuments of the Historical National Park, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This act of vandalism highlights the major challenges in managing our heritage and cultural sites, according to ATH.

In a press release issued on Monday, June 3, 2024, ATH called "on the competent authorities, particularly the General Directorate of the Institute for the Safeguardin


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