CONATEL Requests Digicel to Delay New Rate Implementation and Provides Project Updates

The National Telecommunications Council (CONATEL), the regulatory body of the telecommunications sector in Haiti, requested that Digicel suspend the implementation of the announced new tariffs. Participating in the Panel Magik show on Wednesday, May 29th, the Director General of CONATEL, Joses Jean Baptiste, explained that the application of these new tariffs is not in accordance with the circular of May 31, 2022.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
29 May 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

The National Telecommunications Council (CONATEL) asked the mobile phone company Digicel to comply with regulatory provisions regarding the modification of tariffs and plans in accordance with the circular of May 31, 2022. "Any creation or modification of telecommunications service tariffs, plans, or commercial offers intended for the general public must be submitted to the non-objection of the executive body of CONATEL at least 8 clear days before its implementation," said Joses Jean Baptiste, CONATEL Director, citing article 1 of

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