Escalating Tensions in Cul-de-Sac Plain as Attacks on Public Infrastructure Persist

Intense tensions gripped several neighborhoods in the municipalities of Tabarre and Croix-des-Bouquets this Tuesday, May 21. Armed criminals set fire to the police substation located in the Cesselesse area in the middle of the day, confirmed Le Nouvelliste with police sources.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
21 May 2024 | Lecture : 2 min.

The police substation in the Cesselesse area was targeted by armed bandits controlling the area, it was learned. The police post was set on fire, as confirmed by a police source contacted by the newspaper. This situation caused panic in the area and its surroundings. Schools were forced to send students home, small businesses had to close early, and public transportation was suspended for the rest of the day.

In Tabarre, messages circulated demanding assistance from the Haitian National Police (PNH) following reports of looting at

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