PTC: Rotational Presidency and 5/7 Majority Formalized

In a resolution signed by the members of the Presidential Transition Council, it has been officially decided to adopt a rotating presidency within the Council, with four advisors sharing the presidential responsibility, and to increase the decision-making majority from 4 out of 7 to 5 out of 7.

In crisis since April 30th following the choice of Edgard Leblanc Fils as President of the Presidential Transition Council by a majority of 4 out of 7, the members of the Presidential Transition Council have finally agreed to adopt a rotating presidency and a decision-making majority of 5 out of 7 advisors.

Until February 7, 2026, the Presidential Transition Council will be successively led, in order, by Edgard Leblanc Fils, from May 7 to October 7, 2024; then by Smith Augustin, from October 7, 2024, to March 7, 2025; in the third

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