Presidential Counselor Fritz Alphonse Jean Advocates for Qualified Majority within Presidential Transition Council

In the intricacies of the Presidential Transition Council (PTC), the question of the quality of the majority emerges since 4 out of 7 members designated Edgard Leblanc Fils as the president of the PTC and proposed Fritz Bélizaire as Prime Minister. While the representative of the Montana Accord underscores the importance of the concept of majority in deciding the fate of the new ministerial cabinet, the debate intensifies on how decisions should be made in this critical period of national history.

Jean Junior Celestin
Par Jean Junior Celestin
02 May 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

Given the current context, the representative of the Montana Accord within the PTC believes that a simple majority cannot be relied upon to decide the fate of the new ministerial cabinet. "What we need in the PTC is a qualified majority. This means that everyone must participate in decision-making. In the absence of consensus, a qualified majority remains the ideal way to decide on the major decisions of the country," argued Fritz Alphonse Jean on Magik 9 on May 2, 2024.

"A qualified majority is a statistical concept

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