There was no consensus on Edgard Leblanc Fils or Fritz Bélizaire, claims Leslie Voltaire

Less than a week after their installation, members of the Presidential Transition Council are facing their first disagreement. They are at odds over the choice of the Council President and the Prime Minister of the transition...

Tension is already mounting within the Presidential Transition Council. What should have been a mere formality on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the choice of the Council President, is creating friction among the members of the CPT. While the bloc (Leslie Voltaire, Fritz Alphonse Jean, and Laurent St-Cyr) accepts the majority's choice (Smith Augustin, Emmanuel Vertilaire, Louis Gérald Gilles, and Edgard Leblanc Fils) regarding the appointment of Edgard Leblanc Fils as President of the Council, it demands, however, respect for the April

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