Closed Schools, Teachers on Their Knees

In the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, the unstable security situation has led to the prolonged closure of many schools and colleges, depriving numerous teachers of their jobs for several months. As a consequence of this unprecedented crisis, several educators find themselves in prolonged professional inactivity with pressing financial needs.

Esther Kimberly Bazile
Par Esther Kimberly Bazile
19 Apr 2024 | Lecture : 3 min.

"As soon as the situation deteriorates, our economic means are reduced, if not destroyed. School was my main source of income," confided a high school teacher to Le Nouvelliste on April 18, 2024.

While schools in the provinces are functioning, the same cannot be said for those in the capital, with few exceptions. For several months, insecurity and political instability have rendered the institutions dysfunctional. Students are deprived of education, and teachers of their salaries.

Whenever there is a crisis in H


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