Members of CSPJ Hold Ariel Henry's Government Responsible for the Dysfunction of the Courts

Members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) have written to Prime Minister Ariel Henry and his ministers to reproach them for the "chronic inaction of the government in the face of the dysfunction of the courts." They complain that "the formal commitments made by the government during meetings with the CSPJ have not been honored."

The assessment of judicial work for the year 2022-2023 is still catastrophic, as it has been for several years. Several associations of magistrates are breaking their silence to denounce the government's inaction in the face of the judiciary's power. Now, it's the turn of the members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) to launch accusations at Prime Minister Ariel Henry and his ministers regarding what they term as "chronic inaction of the government in the face of the dysfunction of the courts."


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