Dozens of Arrest Warrants Issued Against Former High Officials, Including Two Former Presidents

Investigating magistrate Al Duniel Dimanche issued an ordinance in which over thirty former high officials of the state are indicted for corruption. More than thirty arrest warrants have been issued by Judge Al Duniel Dimanche against these former high officials, including ex-presidents Michel J. Martelly and Jocelerme Privert, former prime ministers, former ministers, on charges of corruption. A judicial source confirmed the existence of these warrants to the Port-au-Prince prosecutor's office, but some individuals involved have not yet been served.

Michelson Césaire
Par Michelson Césaire
29 Dec 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

Le Nouvelliste has learned from a reliable source that approximately 36 arrest warrants are already with the Port-au-Prince prosecutor's office to be issued against former high state officials. Former Presidents Michel Joseph and Jocelerme Privert are on the list of personalities indicted by Judge Al Duniel Dimanche. Our source confirmed that former prime ministers under the administrations of Presidents Martelly, Moïse, and Préval are under scrutiny. Former ministers and ex-parliamentarians will be affected by these arr

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