All You Need to Know About Artisanat en Fête 2023

In anticipation of Artisanat en fête 2023, Max Chauvet, director of Le Nouvelliste newspaper, was a guest on the Panel Magik show on December 6, 2023, discussing this year's fair and debating the need to transform artisans into entrepreneurs. Artisanat en fête 2023, scheduled for December 9-10 at the Karibe Hotel, promises to be vibrant, showcasing the creativity of Haitian artists and artisans in various fields.

Jonasson Odigène
Par Jonasson Odigène
06 Dec 2023 | Lecture : 2 min.

Max Chauvet highlighted that this year, "Artisanat en fête returns to its traditional weekend format and will be held over two days, Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10, from 9 am to 4 pm." Additionally, organizers will recreate the artistic village of Noailles, with approximately 42 metal-cutting artisans from this village exhibiting their works. Chauvet invited the public to support these artisans who have faced significant challenges in recent years.

Despite difficulties in travel conditions for artisan

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